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Give Directly

A cash gift entitles you to a charitable deduction during the calendar year in which your gift is made. Donation checks may be sent to: City School 1844 Teri Road, Austin, TX, 78723. DONATE ONLINE HERE.


Appreciated Securities

A gift of appreciated securities entitles you to a charitable deduction equal to the fair market value of the securities, and none of the appreciation in the security is taxable to the donor.

For more information on making a stock gift, please contact Laura Gomez at


Real Estate

A gift of appreciated real estate is similar to a gift of appreciated stock. Any type of property you have owned for more than one year qualifies as a charitable contribution at its fair market value. The asset may be given outright, or may serve as the corpus of a trust arrangement, or in the case of a personal residence, may be given with the right of lifetime tenancy by the donor and/or spouse.

For more information, please contact Laura Gomez at

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In-Kind Gifts

Sometimes gifting an item that the school needs is helpful. We’ve received capital improvement support, furnishings, classroom supplies, kitchen equipment and other items. A receipt is issued for all in kind gifts; their value is determined by the donor and his or her tax advisor.

For more information, please contact Laura Gomez at